The high octane of NYC always energizes me. Despite the crazy schedules seeing agencies and bouncing around the cement jungle, I never get tired. Great meals, good laughs and long hours from sun up to sun down. Loved meeting and collaborating with the Held and Associates team, saying hello to the crew at Rabbit, and connecting with lifetime friends. One of the best work trips to the city.

It’s a blessing at times and a curse at others to bleed orange for Clemson University the way I do. Rain or shine, I am a hell of a fan. Having had season tickets for 23 years, I make sure I get back for a couple games each season to support the team, catch up with good friends and share a great weekend with my family.

Love carving time out in the fall before the craze of year-end jobs hits to get face to face with people. Launching off on a two week trip… doing some connecting in LA, heading to Clemson for a weekend, and hitting NYC hard with Held and Associates on the back end…

A visionary with style and enthusiasm, Bobby Burns has been a ski icon here in Sun Valley since the late ’80’s. He pulled up to my place for the Ski Magazine shoot in his old school Jeep Willys with a quiver of skis flairring out the back. A guy like that is welcome in my backyard anytime.

Taking advantage of a small window in my schedule, I hopped a plane to Nashville to work on my documentary, “Thick As Thieves”, with The Weeks in studio. Spent all day at the legendary Quad Studios Monday shooting them record a remake of one of their most popular songs. It was really cool to capture the raw process and appreciate the insane talent these guys have. Grabbed interviews with some heavy weights in the Nashville music scene and in between found some great food and even greater bourbon. Look forward to next the session.

Team Kiel spent three days in Chihuahua Mexico shooting gorgeous pepper fields, pecan trees, wood planked smoking houses, and capturing the process of how TABASCO achieves their Chipolte pepper perfection…
Big thanks to the local production team for making our stay so enjoyable and for taking such great care of us and the Tabasco crew. You clearly went above and beyond to make our meals and accommodations top notch. We appreciate it!
We are looking forward to the continuation of the project on Avery Island next month.
Eric Kiel Portfolio/Film Event: Michael Haje, Ethan Hawke, Billy Reid, Eric Kiel
I wanted to extend my gratitude to the evolution of the commercial photography/film industry. The years of shlogging heavy portfolios served their purpose, and I will remain committed to personally connecting with all agencies/creatives… however, I want to thank you all for being open to seeing my work in a cool venue, with amazing people and with the opportunity to connect outside of a conference room.
Cheers to a fantastic NYC evening at Billy Reid’s… I look forward to more of these creative, social, evenings that have the silver lining of networking and productivity.
Team Kiel is gearing up to travel to Mexico Sunday to film the smoking of TABASCO’S chipolte peppers and capture imagery of the land, farmers and smoking process! We are thrilled to be working with Mcllhenny Company again. In consideration of Mexico, combined with smoking chilies, and the end of summer timing, something tells me that TABASCO’S tag line “So Much More Than Hot” might also be our team motto during this shoot…

Hit the river of “No Return” the Main of the Salmon for our annual river trip….7 Days and 82 miles rowing. No complaints being off the grid. Great food, plenty of laughs, and some cold beer along the way. Had a blast, good to be gone while the fires were raging in our backyard. Home still standing when we got home. Huge thanks to all the fire fighters.

Excited to announce today Team Kiel is partnering with Held & Associates as our new photo rep.