05•13•10 Tabasco, Avery Island

After front loading my Avery Island assignment with 5 fun filled days in New Orleans, I captured the island history, mystery and charm… and ate my bodyweight in crawfish!

After front loading my Avery Island assignment with 5 fun filled days in New Orleans, I captured the island history, mystery and charm… and ate my bodyweight in crawfish!
On assignment in Virginia… rising to the challenge of shooting heritage farm animals and loving the experience!
I had the pleasure of meeting the owners of Chapel Hills Farm, Joe Henderson and his lovely wife Lucia, I learned all about the versatile Randall Lineback cow and how it virtually saved our country from becoming a British colony… and I was served sweet tea by “Sweet Ryleigh”, the ranch manager’s daughter.
With the hospitality and magic of the south pulsing in my veins, I realized I have quite a way with animals…
"that's the way..."
After an unfortunate “splatter incident” Lucia and Joe invited us to join them for wine and apps while a load of laundry was done… I am forever indebted to them!
Thankfully awareness is growing across america regarding the quality of food we are consuming…
The conscientious raising and preparation of our foods is only the beginning. It takes educating our country about nutrition and having visionaries like the UK chef Jamie Oliver in schools working with our youth and Border Springs Farm owner Craig Rogers bringing together farmers and chefs.
We were fortunate to work on assignment with Craig on his farm photographing his heritage animals (Kathadin Lamb and Standard Bronze Turkey) and were invited to join him and a select group of chefs, for a tasting at Primland Resort. It was a fabulous experience… who knew one could experience 17 courses (and 17 wines) in an evening! Cheers!
Team Kiel and some close friends enjoyed Sushi and champagne at Zou 75!
Team Kiel would like to introduce…
starring in summer feature film called “I love my truck”
After giving a talk at the Art Center to a room brimming with hungry photographers, I strolled through Venice camera in hand. This wall art stopped me in my tracks.
Check out the film reel Cayenne
We had some gorgeous sunny powder days (and then a few we had to fake) but it all came together thanks to Jess and Eltiena’s super-model skiing and race-car driving.
And we all took turns helping to buff out the Porche…
trying to hold my own...
Piggybacking 2 jobs (Anantara Resorts and Men’s Journal) allowed me to capitalize on my location for both clients.
Armed with a pair of board shorts, and underwater housing for my gear, I spent 3 days with surf legends Brian Kealana, Mark Richards and Quicksilver’s Bruce Raymond on Tropicsurf in the Maldives.
The resort was a blend of culture and elegance. Kakhis, a button down and delightful smiles in every direction.
signing on with PGR!
After making our rounds in NYC and Chicago, I cancelled our San Francisco trip and pulled the trigger with Paula Gren Reps… we are thrilled to be on board and look forward to continued growth with their agency…
I thoroughly enjoyed the meetings and interviews prior to making our decision and appreciate the connections made and laughs shared. I value all the conversations.
Cheers and here’s to 2010!