Eric Kiel

Cell: 208.720.4043

North America Film Representation

Schofield's Flowers

Steve Schofield




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05•01•12 New Orleans Pilgrimage

It’s all too easy to add things to my “bucket list.”

Life in full swing makes it hard to break away and put a plan in action to start crossing things off my list. However, that’s not the case when it comes Jazz Fest in New Orleans. For a group of 10 of us, this weekend is anticipated all year long. The memories induce full belly laughs and are referenced throughout the year…

As Bob Dylan stated so perfectly, “If you want to keep your memories, you first have to live them.” May we all carve out the time to live them.

This year’s pilgrimage includes the launch of Eric Lindell’s album which we shot all the imagery for and created a short film about. It has been an honor working with him. If you haven’t become familiar with his music, you can experience a sampling here and if you are lucky enough to have him tour in your area – check him out!